British actor Henry Cavill would be making his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as “Captain Britain” in the upcoming movie “Captain America: New World Order“. This revelation has been made through a rumor that has quickly gone viral on social media.
After the news broke that Cavill had been officially fired from his starring role as Superman and the entire DC Cinematic Universe, the public and social networks began to wonder about the fate of the actor’s career.
The British actor, who admitted that he cried when he was informed of his dismissal at DC, now seems to have a new opportunity on the big screen, in superhero movies, at the hands of DC Comics‘ biggest competitor; Marvel Studios.
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As announced by the site Giant Freakin Robot, the actor could join the Marvel Cinematic Universe (UCM) as the character “Captain Britain” in the expected movie “Captain America: New World Order”.
Henry Cavill (#Superman) sobre si estaria interesado en interpretar a #CaptainBritain en Marvel Studios:
"He visto varios rumores sobre Captain Britain. Sería muy divertido hacer una versión moderna y genial de eso, como lo hicieron con el Capitán América."
(Via "THR")
— Mundo Vengador (@IniciativaV) November 10, 2021
“Our reliable and verified sources tell us that Marvel wants Henry Cavill to play the mystical hero Brian Braddock, also known as Captain Britain. If it happens, Cavill would debut as Brian Braddock in 2024’s Captain America: New World Order“.
If it comes to fruition, we could see Henry Cavill back in a superhero role, something millions of fans around the world were hoping for with his failed return in Superman. However, they are ready to see him playing a role that is also native to his own country.