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This is how Maisie Williams looks today after playing Arya Stark in Game Of Thrones


After eight seasons Game Of Thrones came to an end leaving a hole in all fans as they said they were not very happy with the big finale as they said the characters deserved a better conclusion. Among the characters that deserved a better conclusion is Arya Stark, played by Maisie Williams, who now looks with a great change in her appearance.

Maisie Williams

Maisie Williams won the love of the public since she was part of the cast of the iconic series produced by HBO Max from an early age, so we practically saw her grow up on screen and now the actress looks completely different, and many fans say she has given a radical physical change that she suffered after finishing the series of Game Of Thrones showing that she has grown and matured into a beautiful lady.

The young actress began filming the series when she was just 14 years old and now, after more than 12 years, and eight seasons since the premiere of Game Of Thrones by HBO MAX, Maisie Williams evidenced the great physical change she has had during the last decade.

The Game Of Thrones series premiered last April 17, 2011 breaking all audience records and gathering a huge entourage of fans who so far remember read and share stories of Game Of Thrones asking for a great sequel as well as other prequels and even, modification of the final as this was one of the most criticized.

Maisie Williams

Currently there is no more information of the actors that we remember at some point would return to the screen to retake roles in Game Of Thrones but it is not an idea that should be discarded as they could also be missing being part of the universe of George R.R. Martin.

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