
The 5 best romantic comedies of all time


Throughout the history of cinema, romantic comedies have always stood out among all the others, becoming a genre that never goes out of style and that many love to watch without getting tired since it generates a very pleasant feeling of happiness.

Therefore, today we bring you a list of the 5 best romantic comedies of all time that you cannot miss:

1. ‘Pretty Woman‘ (1990): One of the most popular, although it cannot empathize with the entire public, is a truly unique story starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts, which follows the plot of a businessman who hires a prostitute, creating difficult situations of social strata and a passionate romance.

Pretty Woman (1990) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

2. ‘Some Like It Hot‘ (1959): One of the most acclaimed of its time, starring the iconic Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon, and Tony Curtis, where two men are chased by the mafia after witnessing a murder, so they join a band of women, a very fun story full of romance.

Some Like it Hot (1959) Movie Trailer HD

3. ‘Annie Hall‘ (1977): Considered one of the great gems of the genre, which, despite having archaic ideologies compared to today, was highly praised and featured performances by Woody Allen and Diane Keaton, follows the life of Alvyn, a comedian who tries to discover why all his relationships fail.

Annie Hall Official Trailer #1 - Woody Allen Movie (1977) HD

4. ‘About Time‘: An emotional and moving love story that also has a touch of fantasy, in addition to starring Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel McAdams. This follows the life of a man who inherits a superpower in which he can turn back time, an ability that becomes a source of suffering when problems arise in his relationship.

About Time Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Rachel McAdams Movie HD

5. ‘Moonrise Kingdom‘ (2012): This fun production has stood out mainly for its incredible editing and photography; however, its intriguing story follows some young scouts in love who escape, so on an island invaded by rain, the adults must go out in search of them.

Moonrise Kingdom Official Trailer #1 - Wes Anderson Movie (2012) HD
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