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The places where ‘Game Of Thrones’ was filmed and that fans can visit without any problem


The 8 seasons of ‘Game of Thrones‘ were a total success, leaving fans delighted for many reasons, but more than anything because of the suitable scenarios they had and showed throughout the series, some of which may be visited by fans.

Although many of the scenarios looked like green screen or some kind of effect, since they looked surreal, the reality is that not all of them were, and this surprised fans who were amazed to discover that these locations are completely real.

The HBO production, instead of using VFX, moved the entire GOT team to make the recordings in completely real castles and locations, such as the DRAGONSTON castle, ancestral home of Daenerys Targaryen, which is located on the north coast of Spain.

The perfect locations to give life and realism to the continents Westeros and Essos, which are tirelessly fought over in the series, are actually mostly areas of Europe, mostly Northern Ireland and Spain, where they took place to make the recordings.

Producers and directors reached a consensus where it was completely clear that these countries would be perfect to bring to life the fictional and medieval-style continents in which there would be battles for the absolute power of the Iron Throne.

The places where specific scenes were recorded are totally open to the public and are located in the countries of Croatia, Spain, Iceland, Malta and Scotland, Northern Ireland, Lithuania, Sweden and Norway, so any true fan can go to know the locations where ‘Game of Thrones’ was filmed.

Do you like to visit any of these places where the serie ‘Game Of Thrones’ was filmed?

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