PopKPOPMusic MundialPolls

BEST FANDOM KPOP-POP 2020: FINAL is here!! Who Will Win??


The final is here! Just the 4 stronger fandoms are here. Who will win in the LAST VERSUS round?

You can vote for EVERYBODY on BEST KPOP-POP FANDOM 2020: There’s a poll for each nominee, votes will be counted at the moment it ends. So, make sure to get enough votes to beat the other contestant.
UNLIMITED VOTING: applies but we have a threshold that is setting and allows a set number of votes from an unique IP address in a time period of 20 – 30 votes per period. Voters who pass this will see a message that says «Please vote again after threshold period expires» (6 minutes) and refresh the page.

Down here we leave the votation boxes, vote for the fandoms that you connect with the most, as the voting ends, we will be updating you on who makes the cut and who doesn’t, for the next round. Good luck to everyone in the polls.



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