
Josh Hutcherson stars in one of today’s most relevant time travel series


Josh Hutcherson stars in one of today’s most relevant time travel series

Time travel is always a topic that generates a lot of interest, either through movies that are released in theaters or perhaps a different format, showing the story through a series, which would be the case of the Hulu series that stars Josh Hutcherson.

Josh Hutcherson

All science fiction programs belong to a select group of fantasy that can be loved or hated, it all depends on the quality of the story and effects, but now, there would be a series on the Hulu platform that would be taking the applause of the people.

It is “Future Man”, a series starring Josh Hutcherson, Eliza Coupe, Derek Wilson, among others, which is acclaimed for being the best of all when it comes to time travel.

It tells the story of Josh Futturman, a young man who has a seemingly normal life, lives at home with his parents and has a dead-end job as a janitor at a research center. And although everything seems to be going on in an ordinary way, one day while he is playing a video game set in the future, some people appear to tell him that he is the person chosen to save the world from an alien invasion in the future.

In the movie we can see an adventure that transports us to different and very interesting realities that make us think about what will happen to us in the future.

josh hutcherson

This series consists of three seasons in the United States and can only be watched on Hulu, a platform belonging to Disney+.

What do you think of the series? Have you already seen it?

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