The reign of R’Bonney Gabriel as the new Miss Universe 2022, continues to have numerous problems since her election. According to several media and news portals around the world, the 29-year-old beauty queen is considering giving up her title.
According to the portals Hola and Semana, R’Bonney Gabriel would not be at all happy with her reign as the maximum sovereign of universal beauty. Her responsibilities as Miss Universe are not being carried out as planned.
Recently, the beauty queen and fashion designer, was on a long Asian tour where she visited Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, but that did not leave many fruits for the Miss Universe organization.
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The few sponsors who were interested in her, added to the low turnout that her visit left, would have lowered the spirits of the 29-year-old model and fashion designer.
Recently, Gabriel returned to the United States to celebrate her birthday. She did it in her hometown Houston in Texas, where she celebrated with her parents and some close friends and relatives.
In addition to that, Miss USA also expressed her desire to focus this week in her profession, although this position would have brought her some differences with the directors of the organization, who demand that the winners of the pageant are 100% available to fulfill their various responsibilities.
However, the American beauty queen has not issued any statement, so the statements that various media have made, remain a rumor until confirmed otherwise.
Do you think R’Bonney Gabriel is willing to give up her crown as Miss Universe?
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