The 54 year old actor Will Smith had a huge peak of fame and relevancy when he, in the middle of the Oscars gala, gave a popular comedian a slap on the face, just before winning the awa
rd for the best actor. The scandal was so big that the academy, by popular demand, not only cancelled the award that was given to the actor, but he was also temporarily banned from the award show.
However, the iconic actor shows that he has the courage and that he’s devoted to his work, coming back with a role in that will defy the strong criticism he received during the scandal, and that many thought would be the end of his career.
The slap was, according to many, justified by the actions of the comedian that was presenting the award show, Chris Rock, when he made a joke about the baldness of Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, who he tried to protect from being ridiculed on national live tv.
Just like a Fenix emerging from the ashes, the actor has announced his participation in the movie Emancipation, that will be published on Apple TV and that will mark his return to the big screen.
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